300 posts…wow


Wow this is the 300th post since I installed wordpress on the site here. My my its amazing how far we have come. From a theme that was standard to every blog out there. To one that was downloaded form some wordpress theme site. Then to one that was slightly customized. Then to the theme you see before you.

That’s not even mentioning the post quality. The first few posts made were horrible and I am almost embarrassed to leave them up on the internet. But we have gotten a lot better so thats always a plus.

Since Augest of last year we [Me and Dark (mostly me)] have been making at least 1 post per day. Before that it was not really updated that often. Since then our visitors have went through the roof. Around 7500 Unique people each month visit the site and that is quite impressive if I do say so myself. Not even close to a site like say Gizmodo or Engadget get. But for a small site its still not bad.

Its been a fun 300 posts and lets hope I can keep this going for another 300. Hope everyone had a good Easter Sunday.


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