VPN Fail?

So in the news recently was a breach of a VPN server owned by Nord VPN. Media outlets keep covering it like its the biggest thing since Experian leaked the personal info of a lot of people. In reality the server that was accessed did not store any user data nor did it contain any logs. The only thing the hackers obtained was a key that would allow them to set up a spoof server.

Theoretically they could set up a server and direct Nord VPN users to it and then harvest data of the users from there. The problem here is that it would require them to send out tens of millions of spam phishing emails to people in hopes that someone uses Nord VPN and clicks it thus directing them to the spoofed server. In reality the chances of a exploit of this nature would not be as rewarding as some of the other schemes that hackers are using these days.

As to why Nord VPN took so long to release the info about the breach. From what I have seen on various news sources I have seen it claimed that they were investigating, among other things. My thought? They didn’t see it as being important. Considering that they did not leak any user data and no other servers were compromised it would seem that the best corse of action would be to audit the security of all the other servers in the network and make sure they are secure. From there its just a matter of damage control. Why would you release that you have been hacked when the hackers got essentially nothing out of it.

The reality of this just shows that anything is able to be exploited given the right set of circumstances and that you need to do what ever you can to protect your personal info and data to the best of your ability. Probably be a good idea to have a plan to mitigate the effects of a breach on your personal data should it ever happen.

You may look for other VPN providers at BrownCoupon.

This is just my opinion on the matter but hey we all have one right?


*Side note: Look 2 posts in 2 days! I’m on roll!*

Team Disscussion!

Well seeing as this is only me [Dark] and Tracker, its kinda funny that I call us a team. We don’t generally work together. Sure we discus mods, news, tech, and even game together, but we don’t exactly work as a team. We each do our own thing and try to mash it all into this site. Its interesting and I’m happy to be along for the ride. However I would like to post more original content, as would Tracker, this we have discussed many times. Our forums should be filled with tutorials and we should have many more active members to even expand our little two man team. We have tried to find new other writers to help generate content but we have had no real luck. So I’m proposing that me and Tracker attempt to make every post from now on, a real post. What I mean by a real post is that we actually write our content. I have in the past posed stupid things from engadget and even Gizmodo, but the time for foolishness is over. Tracker is ordering 2 very nice personal servers and will have them set up soon. I’m hoping to do some fun networking mods and tricks with him and his new servers. For example, me and Tracker had at one time a nice VPN set up, however things got hectic and the project fell apart. So here is to a hopefully much more interesting future on TMS!

Also we are STILL looking for writers / modders to simply generate more content, if you have a mod we would love to showcase it, or if you love to talk about modding we would love for you to post your content either here or become a full time writer!
