Working on the site!

Myself [Tracker] and Dark are working on the website. Changing themes and editing them and all of that good stuff. While we are doing this you might notice the site will change as you refresh. This is because we dont feel like creating a dev area for the work to take place on so we will just do it on the main site :P.

If you see any errors for now please dont worry just refresh a few times and chances are they will be gone.

Thanks πŸ™‚

[update] The blog is done…will be moving onto the other sections later πŸ™‚

AT&T Sucks..I say it again

Ok so I leave to go have a nice dinner at my aunts house on Wednesday. When I left my internet was working fine. I come home to no internet. No phone. No nothing. Now because I live out in the middle of no where I get no cell phone service either. So I get in the car and drive up the road to call them and see what the hell is going on. I spend 30 minutes on hold and finally get through to someone. (keep in mind this is at about 10pm). They tell me the service has been disconnected because of non payment. Ok no big deal I will just pay it. At this point I was informed that the office for that was closed and they do not have a automated system. WTF? Minor set back what ever right? So Thursday comes around and I call them up first thing in the morning. They inform me that the bill is $190…HUH? $40~ for the internet and $35~ for the phone (estimated I don’t know the exact price but its right in that range). That does not come even close to $190.

At this point I was to pissed off to deal with them any more so I let my step dad take care of it. So he calls them a few hours later and the account is closed. Once again WTF? So we go through the whole process of re-opening the account that takes 45min. They tell him that the service will be active on Monday. I find that unacceptable. So I call back. Called the wrong place so they transferred me. I sat on hold for 30min and when someone picked up the phone they said that I had been transferred to the wrong department. And the department I needed was closed. They had closed 16min ago. That pissed me off alone so I just hung up on them.

I called back first thing Friday morning. The first person I talked to said they would transfer me to someone who could help me. This person said nothing could be done so I asked to be transferred to a supervisor. They hung up on me. So being as persistent that I am I called back. This time after sitting on hold for 15min I got through to someone I forgot her name now but she was very helpful. I explained what was going on and she said that she would have it setup and going by midnight Friday. Well I was sitting on my computer watching some TV (yes I watch my tv on the computer because of the DVR πŸ™‚ ) and had my firefox open to the modem connection status page. And at 12:06am it refreshed and was connected. So yay they did what they said they would do.

But I am not done with my story yet…

Turns out they gave us the wrong package. Instead of setting up the 3.0mb service they set up the 1.5mb service. So they messed up…again. So I am not able to use my favorite site ( or watch youtube videos. Looks like I have to call customer service on Monday. Wish me luck.

Tracker – Unhappy AT&T customer

p.s. Anyone know the corporate address/number so I can send them some strongly worded letters? And call them to complain?

Join us on teamspeak!!!!

Do you game or just like to hang out on chat kostenlos with friends online? We have a teamspeak server that anyone is more than welcome to use.

Dont have teamspeak? Go get it at

Before you connect there are a couple rules.

1. Be nice to all other users and admins

2. If you are kicked from the server dont come back and disrespect the admins because of it. They kicked you for a reasion accept that

3. If you dont know how to correctly set up voice activation then use push to talk. We dont like to hear feedback its quite annoying.

4. DO NOT LOG IN AS GUEST OR GUEST1…ect…ect..ect set a nick name for yourself

4. Have fun πŸ™‚

Anyone that can follow these simple rules is welcome to stop by our teamspeak address is

I updated wordpress!! Its about time!

Well it took me [Tracker] long enough but I finally got Word Press updated…

And now progress can continue!!

Apparently my problem was the new keys that have to be added to the config file. But while I was at it I also optimized the database and moved it to the new server πŸ™‚

Progress I say!

Changes that have been made


Ok you may or may not have noticed the changes I [Tracker] have been making to the blog forums and downloads section.


Now because I plan to get TheModShop active again I figured it was time for some simple upgrades and I will tell you what those are πŸ™‚


  1. Updated links on the main blog (now they are in order and look a lot better)
  2. Added links to the forums for Home Forums and Downloads so that you can get to any one of the sections with the click of a button
  3. Added those same links to the downloads section for the added convince
  4. Changed the theme on the forums back to what it used to be. (custom theme on the way hopefully :D)
  5. Removed all the ads from the site. We will be running off my wallet and donations (so please donate)
  6. Slightly changed the theme on the download site to look a little better. I will be making that match the blog soon.
  7. Added a twitter widget so now you can see what I am doing and other fun updates πŸ˜€
  8. Fixed all the copyrights on all the sites.

Ya I have been busy…Where is Dark to help me you ask? Who knows perhaps he will be back to help with the theme soon tho πŸ™‚


Possible changes…


  1. Custom WordPress theme
  2. Custom SMF Forums theme
  3. Better customized download site theme
  4. Chat room/irc server (not sure about this one yet)
  5. Free webhosting for our active forum members

Anything else?


Comment and let me know what else you would like to see added/changed or if you think that I should or should not do one of those changes above.

I can haz money?

Well as I am sure all of you know running a website and paying for the servers does cost money. And in light of recent complications with Freetshost and my partner doing what he did I have none. What I am asking for is if some people would like to be genrious and donate a few dollars then I will give you a special tag on your name on the forums that says you donated! Along with this I might add a premium section that only people who have donated can access. Not sure about that yet tho.

So if anyone would like to help out and keep us going then click the button below.

Be sure to send me your username on the forums so I can give credit where credit is due



One more reasion Burst.Net sucks!


Well over at the ServerComplete blog [the guys that host this site] are reporting this.


” Well BurstNET has struck again! I submitted a simple upgrade request for RAM for one of our customers still in the BurstNET facility and here we are, almost 7 days later, without the additional RAM.

After pestering the live AIM support agent for BurstNET I found out that the sales, billing, and order processing departments decided to take a nice long weekend, well more like the entire week off.

According to the AIM rep, no new orders have been processed nor have any sales or billing tickets. This really irritated me, but there is not much I can do except call or email them :( The prices at BurstNET are unbelievable, but it goes without saying, you get what you pay for!

Now, for those of you reading, no worries! We no longer are working with new servers from BurstNET and are phasing all existing servers out as people upgrade. All new signups and major upgrades are getting shiny new hardware out of Dallas :)

-Daniel | Server Complete”