Fail of the day: $600 and $700 no contract iPhones…

And here we are again with another FAIL OF THE DAY! [even tho its not done every day]

AT&T just confirmed the rumor that they’re going to be selling $600 and $700 iPhones (8GB and 16GB) that are contract-free starting next Thursday.

Ok so you may be thinking how is a no contract iPhone a fail.

Well for 1. Its not unlocked. Yup thats right when you part with the money you could use to pay your rent but a months worth of food or build a decent desktop system you are still locked to cingular. [ya I know you can unlock it yourself but thats not the point] WTF If I am gonna spend $600 on a phone I dont want to be locked into a provider damnit! And for $600 that thing better play crysis!

Moving along the price. $600 for a phone? Even for apple thats a bit much. I mean honestly? I can buy a mac mini for around that same price!!!!!!!

I kinda like the iphone I wont lie but I will NEVER spend that kind of cash on a phone that I am gonna want to replace in a year! [I get a new phone every 12 months on avg (ebay ftw)]

So wraping this up cingular and apple [sorry apple] are the target of this fail of the day.


2 thoughts on “Fail of the day: $600 and $700 no contract iPhones…”

  1. Well actually the (8GB) iPhone costs $400 but AT&T is wanting to make more money off of it. As for price is concerned look at an HTC or any other smartphone OEM. I personaly looked at HTC’s and a few other smartphones before I bought my (8GB) iPhone for $210 after taxes and a 2 year contract; and the price for them are around $900 so really I think that Apple is pretty cheap on the iPhone even the Palm Treo’s cost a bit more than the iPhone.

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