Microsoft Pushing Vista Harder [Why even try?]


So apparently Microsoft thinks Vista has a bad rep. Well who’d a thought that if you make a bad product after delays and promises, and then cut out features, add low compatibility and a shit load of bugs and a outrageous price tag that people would give said product a bad rep. Not to mention the highly effective anti-windows campaign that apple ran. You might expect low sales if all that happens. And then if screw over other customers who legitimately buy this said product, word will get around pretty fast that it sucks. Personally slow transfer rates and things that are still not fixed like the registry and stupid questions that can stop entire transfers over one tiny file is pretty lame. None the less Microsoft has decided it will send out people to try and convert people to vista users through stores like bestbuy and circuit city. If they didnt have enough brain washed helpers who don’t know how to do anything quickly or without adding a ton of bullshit. Well im glad the CompUSA in my area opened up again, they at least know I don’t absolutely have to have virus software installed buy a professional button pushing monkey.
Via Engadget

[Trackers addon: The transfer rates on vista are not that bad 😉 Better than xp imo!]

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